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Beauty New Years Resolutions For 2013
I hope all of you had a very happy holiday! But of course, we aren’t quite done with the holiday season just yet. New Years Eve is just around the corner and you know what that means: New Years Resolutions. Every year people worldwide set goals for themselves for the new year, and this year I thought I would share some fabulous beauty-oriented resolutions with you! Are you ready for it?
Resolutions That Will Have You Looking/Feeling Your Best in 2013
Wear SPF Each & EVERY Day – I know that some of you view SPF as a chore, but there are ways to incorporate this ESSENTIAL beauty regime into your routine, I promise! First and foremost, sun protection is one of the best anti-aging products out there! It protects your precious skin from UV rays that can cause sunspots, wrinkles, cancer, and much more! SO, pick a nice and natural sunscreen to double as your moisturizer during your morning routine. There are some you can even wear under makeup, such as Epicuren, COOLA, and Dermalogica.
Cut Down On The Hot-Tools – flat irons, curlers, and blow dryers give you a beautiful look in the short-term, but damage your hair so much in the long-term. I am not telling you to banish your beloved hot-tools to the garbage bin, but certainly try to keep it to a minimum. Who knows, you might receive compliments on your natural hair and eliminate the need for habitual hot-tool use! Try drying your hair with paper towels
Stop Popping Pimples – Many of you may think you know when your pimples are “ready”, but the truth is sometimes its better to just let nature run it’s course. Popping your pimples can also cause a puss explosion below the skin, meaning trapped bacteria, which can lead to even worse skin
Try Sunless Tanners – Believe it or not, it is totally possible to get a beautiful summer glow without basking in the sun. This year reach for Jan Marini’s Bioglycolic Sunless Self Tanner. This product will work with your skins natural proteins to activate a color change that is natural! No more oopma-loompa orange or harmful UV rays.
Wash Your Face Before Going To Bed – If you want truly beautiful skin, this step is essential! Leaving your makeup on does more than cause breakouts, it ages your skin faster, which none of us want. I recommend washing your face twice at night for a truly deep cleanse. My favorite product for cleansing is definitely my Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System
If You Smoke, STOP – This one is a no-brainer. Smoking is more than just bad for your skin: it causes cancer, it’s an expensive habit, yellows your teeth, and brings down the value of your car
Try Exfoliation – I have met a number of people that are intimidated by products with the words “exfoliant” or “peel” in the title. I know it can sound a bit daunting, but the truth is: when done right, exfoliants and peels can work WONDERS for your skin. It removes that excess layer of dead skin, revealing beautifully fresh skin and encouraging cellular turnover. In other words: it helps you fight aging, while giving your skin an instant boost. One of my favorites is Epicuren’s Pumpkin Apple Spice Peel! Rhonda Allison’s Cherry Jubilee Enzyme is another fantastic pick.
Invest In Healthier Makeup Alternatives – If you enjoy wearing makeup on a daily basis, try investing in PURE mineral makeups such as Youngblood, La Bella Donna, and Glo Minerals. These product lines contain only the finest minerals
Embrace Your Individual Beauty – Take some time to appreciate your finer qualities! As a skincare professional, I hear many people fixating on their problem areas. Take solace in the fact that nobody is perfect! We are all beautiful in our own different ways! So embrace yours!
Other Resolutions to Consider
• Drink more water! Or at the very least your 8-glasses a day.
• Clear out your closet! There are many less fortunate who could use your old and unused clothes. This way you do some pre-Spring cleaning for a good cause.
• Take notice of your posture! Sit up straight when you notice you are slouching.
• SMILE. It really is contagious, even if some people do not return the favor, you are spreading your positivity to those around you.
• Change you hair color or style! It could be fun.
• Wash your makeup off before working out! Self explanatory.
• Deep condition your hair! Use your favorite deep conditioner one a week for happier, healthier hair.
• Experiment with makeup styles! Yes, even the ones you think you cant pull off. You might be pleasantly surprised.
• Stop biting your nails!
• Get your recommended 6-8 hours of sleep each night!
Happy Near Year!
May 2013 bring all of you health, wealth, and happiness!
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