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The Best, Affordable Anti-Aging Products!
As much as we wish this statement wasn’t true, we all age and are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to fight the process! My advice? Save some cash and purchase some anti-aging products that produce the same results but cost less! My key is to purchase anti-aging products wisely. Look at key ingredients for your targeted age group and skin types. Get the desired results without sacrificing the outcome and don’t waste your time or money. You may even find some home skin care regimens you that will be effective. Not only will these tips help to make your skin brighter, but it will keep your smile brighter too—you are saving money!
This should help you to choose the right strategy according to your age:
- If you are in your 20s
Start young to be preventive! I have noticed that many of my clients in their 20s are more stressed out due to their primary concern to reduce skin inflammations and to prevent their skin from sun damage. Antioxidants will help to prevent damage by the sun and fight the inflammations you see. It also protects the skin from pollution and smoke. This may sound repetitive, but it is crucial to prevent sun damage: use a sunscreen and wear sun glasses! A sunscreen with SPF15 will give you over 90% protection. Using a sunscreen with SPF over 20,can become greasy for the skin in 20s. Also, protect the sweet, delicate area around the eyes with a good eye cream. No need to waste $200.00 on an eye cream when you can use Image Skincare’s new The Max Eye Cream! This revolutionary day and night eye crème contains high concentrations of growth-factors derived from plant stem cells to protect skin cells and prevent aging effects caused by free radical damage. In easier terms, it pretty much does everything your eyes will ever need! It will tame down those fine lines and wrinkles and tighten the area. Lastly: Please, please, PLEASE remember to wash away the makeup on your face before you go to bed.
- Age: 30s
In our thirties, many notice that they start to lose the “glow” they once had. This may be that dead skin cells are starting to collect on the skins surface. Unfortunately, cells are not regenerating as fast as they were before (yes I know, aging sucks). However, we can make the skin look plumper by reducing brown spots and pore sizes with the wonderful, miracle ingredient: retinol. Retinol will help to aid in creating new collagen and remove the dead cells. It also will help if you exfoliate your skin to get rid of the dead skin layers. One of the retinol products you can try without having to spend hundreds is Epicuren’s Retinol Anti-Aging Cream. This Retinol anti-oxidant cream is a dynamic line-erasing hyper-pure form of Vitamin A, C, and E. It will smooth out aging skin for a clean, youthful look (yes please)! Of course, with the use of the amazing Clarisonic, this process will become a lot easier. Puffy eyes are the common complaint in the 30s when sleep is affected by the demands of the family life. Use anti inflammatory products like ginseng or eye creams with caffeine to reduce.
- Age: 40s
Sagging skin, brown spots, redness, and rosacea are common in theyour 40’s. Well, bring it on! Anti-inflammatory products can and will help to reduce the redness in your skin and exfoliation will enable products to penetrate well into the skin. Skip the Botox, which costs more than an anti wrinkle cream that may or may not achieve the positive results you desire. At home you can apply a cream to enhance the production of collagen. One of my all time favorite lines, Clayton Shagal, has several great Collagen products. Their Collagen Extract, one the best products I’ve ever used, is a fast-acting liquid booster that will immediately hydrate and tighten the skin. I apply this cream in the morning and night on my face, neck, and eye contours. Another tip I have for you is to use a makeup remover which will also scrub away your makeup too. The Gelle Cleanser by Epicuren is gentle enough to be used on the eye area while also cleansing your skin Using plastic surgery may result in your face looking unnaturally tight. It is better to be on the safe-side and to use products that will naturally and truly help you fight the aging process of your skin.
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