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4 Easy Steps for MEN
Alright guys, it’s time to make sure you are taking care of your skin. Before you throw a fit, I’ve narrowed it down to 4 essential steps that even the laziest or manliest amongst you can pull off- and I promise you won’t feel or appear girly or spend a ton of cash.
It’s simple, find a good cleanser that works well for you and stick with it. And no, your shampoo doesn’t count. You don’t have to spend $30 bucks on a fancy wash unless your wife wants you to. Avoid bar soaps because they will dry our your skin. If you already have dry skin, choose a creamy cleanser. If you are oily, pick one that is clear. Wash your face in the morning and at night. Done.
Step 2: Exfoliate
Don’t let this word scare you away. I know it sounds frou frou but it works, so suck it up. There are several ways to exfoliate: Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids. I’m assuming you won’t actually do most of these so buy a SCRUB and use it once a week. It will take you 5 minutes and the pay off is huge. Make sure you use a gentle scrub with tiny grains. Big grains in cheap scrubs can tear skin and cause more harm than good.
Every guy, no matter his skin type, should moisturize. Even if your skin is oily, it will benefit from moizturizers. Find one you like and use it whenever you wash. They make manly ones with manly smells if you are worried about that.
Step 4: Wear Sunscreen
WEAR SUNSCREEN. Period. The number one cause of wrinkles is sun damage, not to mention skin cancer. Find a moisturizer that already has SPF in it and wear that in the morning so you don’t have to think about it. You will need a separate moisturizer for night because sunscreen 24/7 will aggravate your skin.
4 steps. You can handle it. I promise. If you need recommendations for what to buy feel free to ask, I’d be glad to help! Or ask the gal in your life- we LOVE this kind of stuff!
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