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Running Late? Not With These Five Tips!
Don’t you hate those mornings when you get up late because your alarm clock didn't go off, or you just slept through it? Now you have to rush through everything and aren’t able to have your relaxing morning routine! Here are some time saving tips to make you look glam and fab in no time!
1. Oh, the magic of the highlighting wand. Liven up your eyes with a highlighting wand. Just swipe a little under your eyebrows and in the inner corner of the eyes. You could even pat a small amount on your cheekbones to help lift up your features. I love using Glo Minerals Highlighter.
2. Grab your matte powder bronzer when you do not have the time to apply foundation on your face. Just dab some of the bronzer on your cheekbones and temple with a round fluffy brush. I love to use the Kabuki brush from Youngblood it works great with any bronzer!
3. Keep a brightening eyeliner close by. Freshen up your eyes by using a peachy shade of eyeliner to make your eyes look more vibrant and less tired. Also apply the eyeliner on the inner part of your lower lid. Try curling your lashes with mascara and brushing it from the roots to the tips. Doing this in a zigzag motion will help separate your lashes giving them a thicker look.
4. To achieve that fresh, dewy look, use sheer baby pink shade on your cheeks and lips. Look for a sheer lipstick that’s in between glossy and lipstick to get those soft looking lips. You could even apply this on your cheeks for a simply pretty glow. You’ve got to try the sheer lip stick in Bora Bora from Glo Minerals. It is seriously amazing!
5. Try using grey eyeliners to help create fabulous eyes in a flash! In my opinion, grey eyeliners work better than black eyeliner. Or, set the tone of your eyes by applying brown shadow from your bronzer.
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