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Reduce Redness In Five Inexpensive Steps!

Prolonged sun exposure leads to sunburns and heat rash, leaving our skin an ugly shade of red and feeling irritated. Our faces tend to display a greater amount of redness during the summer months, which is one of the only flaws of the beloved season. If you are having trouble with splotchy-red skin, try the following quick and cheap steps to reduce redness and calm your skin.

First, relax by indulging in a cool, oatmeal bath. Oatmeal baths work as an anti-inflammatory and an emollient, calming and soothing. It can be hard to trade a relaxing hot shower for a cool bath; however, cool water is far better for skin redness. Try it on one of those especially hot days where your body is heated up, it feels amazing! While in the bath, use plain oats and milk on your face to reduce redness. The milk is gentle on skin and works as an exfoliator without causing flakes. Now I am craving maple brown sugar oatmeal!

Another inexpensive way to reduce redness is to enjoy a cup of cool, chamomile tea. Then, use the same mixture as a cool compress. Like oatmeal baths, chamomile works as a soothing anti-inflammatory. Relax, grab a book, dig in, and enjoy some calming tea!

Another simple ingredient you can use comes from an unexpected source, painkillers. An aspirin mask can be used on irritated areas to reduce redness and soothe. For this mask, simply crush up plain aspirin and mix with a small amount of water to create a pasty mixture. Then apply the paste to red areas for 15-20 minutes. Feel as your skin is smoothed and as oil is reduced.

Another simple ingredient to try is calamine lotion. For years and years, calamine lotion has been used to reduce itching caused by red skin. Along with this, lanolin can be more of an emollient barrier on irritated skin.

Lastly, Visine can be used not only to reduce eye redness and irritation but also work well as a spot treatment. Simply apply to your red spots and you have a great and sanitary way to quickly reduce those red spots. Who knew that eye drops would help our skin! I hope these inexpensive remedies work for you! Get out there and embrace the sun this summer, knowing you have some great ways to fight its’ harmful effects

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