What Should You Be Using In Your Skin Care Routine?
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Read this BEFORE Considering Cosmetic Surgery!
Due to the increasing risks of surgery, men and women are trying their best to find ways around the scalpel. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2009, almost 30,000 more cosmetic surgical procedures were done than the year prior. So, instead of taking risks, let’s try to focus on ways we can improve our skin troubles non-surgically. The following are ways we can be preventive to ensure that we have good skin as we age.
A lot of my clients say that they're young and thus do not feel that they need to use anti-aging products yet. However, this is incorrect. If you enjoy smooth, good skin, you should start now to protect it. Make sure that you are using a sunscreen everyday to protect those harmful rays from aging our skin. If you are planning an adventure outside, try and use an SPF of 30 or higher. Make sure that you are reapplying it every couple of hours because sunscreen will not last all day. Just like with makeup, keep in mind the "cake rule" ; you do not need to "cake" on your sunscreen like icing. Rather, slather a thin layer evenly on your skin.
Read the label! Even if you do not want to spend money on anti-aging products right now, at least try to use a great moisturizer. Anti-wrinkle creams and lotions contain antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C, acai, apple stem cells (such as Image Skincare's Anti Aging Serum), and pomegranate. These ingredients will help to produce collagen and protect elasticity of the skin. Mushroom and aloe, anti-inflammatory agents, or hyaluronic acid, will help to maintain your skin's hydration that it needs.
Get more sleep and work out! When you exercise, you can reduce the amount of free radicals inside of your body. Getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night will help to protect your skin and aid in cell repair.
Everyone knows that smoking is not good for you. However, ever wonder what exactly it does to your skin? Smoking a cigarette is like smoking a wrinkle stick. Smoking tends to damage healthy skin cells, is loaded with free radicals, and can create fine lines around your lips.
Stop the crash diets! I know it’s a great feeling to lose 5 pounds a week, but if you lose more than 2 pounds a week, you are generally solely loosing water weight. Whether you are trying to tone, or just shed a few pounds, try sticking to a real diet; one you can stick with. Lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the foods you should focus on. Skin-firming mineral based foods are great to add to your diet as well. These would include foods with cooper, zinc, and selenium.
If you stick to this plan, not only will you have better skin, but you will have better health overall. Most people tend to follow their own routine and end up paying for it later.
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