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What A Man Can Do To Impress on Valentine's Day
Hi All! Help is here. Do not be disappointed anymore on Valentines Day. I had my husband write the following top 5 suggestions, “For guys by a guy” what your man can do to impress you on Valentines Day, if he needs help. I approve of this message! You will notice it is not my normal blog format, I told my hubby to keep it simple so that guys would actually read it. Your man will love it, because a lot of the ideas help save money too!
1. Create your own date and dodge the madness:
As a guy, I am so sick of trying to get actual dinner reservations on Valentines Day. I can’t be the only one with this problem. If you are expected to take your lady out on actual Valentines Day, CREATE YOUR OWN DATE.
a. Get your lady’s favorite CD and have it playing it in the car when you pick her up
b. Pick up her favorite food (Take out) and have it in the car when she gets in (she will notice the smell)
c. Take her to a place (weather permitting) that has romantic significance for you guys. Remember tons of blankets if it is cold. Bring candles and a declicious favorite drink.
e. Play your song and ask her to dance. Look her in the eyes. Trust me.
2. CARD! So important.
Spend more than 10 seconds picking a card this year. Make sure it has plenty of the mushy stuff. Try to get one that has something specific about your relationship. Fill it out in advance, and give it to her at dinner. HOWEVER, read it out loud to her over dinner, don’t make her read it. Shall I suggest you attempt to write a poem? It may seem silly, but it's a great way to show your love!
3. Dinner help-
If you are like me you forgot to make reservations to your lady’s favorite restaurant, or if they were already booked, got a great idea for you. Go to Yelp.com and search for “romantic” near your location. TONS of restaurants you have never heard of before are at your fingertips. Surprise your lady with a new favorite. Make sure to check the reviews to find the perfect spot
4. Chocolate, Not this year?
Tired of CVS, Costco, and Rite Aid old gross chocolates for your lady? Me too. My wife’s favorite is chocolate, so I better get this right. I have a solution for you. CUPCAKES. Trust me, they are all the rage right now. There is definitely a frilly cupcake store close to your work. Call em and have em put some cupcakes aside for you. Your lady will flip.
5. Flowers a Different way this year-
I hate buying flowers before or on Valentines day SO SO much. Everything is super expensive and picked over. But, if you have to, have you tried Lowes or Home Depot? Hear me out. You probably love going there anyway. Buy a set of flowers in a nice looking potted plant? They do not raise their prices just because it's Valentine's day, and the flowers will last “just like I want our love to last” Or, for the non potted option, if you want to fancy up the look of the flowers you buy, take them to a post office outlet, and ask them to wrap them for you. Trust me, half the battle with flowers is the wrapping. Lastly, do not be afraid to combine two different bouquets of flowers, it will look more impressive to your lady.
6. Beauty Products, Works Every time Short on time?
Order online from work. My wife’s site is great, (shameless promotion). Click here to see the right page
After you purchase, print out the products and put it in the card so she knows it is coming, and use the free gift wrap!
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