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Love Your Feet! They’ll Love You Back
Walking the malls over the weekend left my feet in sorry shape! And I’ll admit, I tend to neglect my feet in general once winter rolls around and I can consistently stuff them out of sight and into socks! If you want to love your footsies the right way- follow this guide!
The Soak and Scrub First soak your feet in warm water for at least 5 minutes till the skin becomes soft and smoothe. (Hard to imagine finding the time for this? The shower will work!) Next, clean your feet with a pumice stone and take special care of your heels where skin tends to remain rough and dry. In between cleaning with the stone, dip or rinse your feet with water. Once clean, soak again and repeat. Repeating the cycle will allow you to slough off the deep layers of dead skin. Do a final scrub of your entire foot with a rough foot scrub. Gerda Spillmann makes a fabulous Hand and Foot Scrub ($28.45) Gradually dry your feet and apply a thick moisturizer.
Treat your Feet!
1. One of the best treats for feet is to walk bare feet on the grass. Invigorating!
2. Always wear properly fitting, protective footwear even in your own home.
3. Don’t buy shoes that are too tight expecting them to stretch. (Even if they are on sale...I know I’m not the only guilty one)
4. Investigate "walking pumps." These shoes are engineered like an athletic shoe with wider toe room, reinforced heels, and are available in many fashionable styles. Cole Haans are on my Christmas list! hint hint
5. One of your feet is likely to be slightly larger than the other. Always try on both shoes and buy the size that feels comfortable on your larger foot.
6. A night to remember- massage a foot balm or petroleum jelly all over your feet, concentrating on rough parts. I love Otica Overnight Intense Foot Repair Balm ($20). Wear old gym socks to bed. When you wake up, your feet will feel incredibly soft!
7. Smooth out fine lines and plump up the skin for special occasions with a Hyaluronic Acid serum! My favorite is, of course, my Alana Mitchell Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum!
There you have it! It’s important to find time to care for your feet- goodness knows no one is going to do it for you! My last tip would be to get a pedicure in holiday red:) Sparkles optional! From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special page set aside for foot care products I love, click here to see it. I have another article that might help you even more titled: How to Spot a Clean Nail Salon!
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