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Lose Baby Weight Fast!

To oversimplify, having a baby changes a lot. Actually, it pretty much changes everything! Having Malachi has been one of the best moments I have ever had, but let’s face it, losing the baby weight has not been fun. After pregnancy, you might not like what you see in the mirror. There are many physical and emotional changes during pregnancy and getting the shape back after is on the forefront of a lot of our minds. With me, I was so excited when I became pregnant because it meant I could eat just about whatever I wanted. Actually, this resulted in gaining weight all over my body, including the stomach, that was not simply from the pregnancy. Most women end up gaining much more weight than the normal range of 25 lbs to 35 lbs. The good news is that it is possible to get rid of this fat and get your body shape back to normal as before. The bad news is that this will take extra time and there is a need to be persistent. Do not expect quick results within a couple of weeks…patience is definitely a virtue here.

Keep in mind, when we are pregnant, the abdominal wall stretches and the uterus increases in size to accommodate the baby as it grows. After birthing, Most of the extra fluid is released in a week’s time and the uterus also shrinks slowly back to its original size by around six weeks. The abdominal wall, however takes many months to come back to its normal shape. Therefore we can’t expect quick results or try losing off all the extra flab immediately. Don’t be discouraged! It is rather important to focus on a good posture and wait a little before hitting the gym. Relax and enjoy your newborn. Try to sit up straight while breastfeeding the baby. Using an abdominal girdle or binder really helped to support me. It is important to tone the pelvic muscles which are weakened due to pregnancy and child birth. Lay off vigorous exercises such as jogging or running in the first few weeks after delivery. Instead, opt for less intense exercises.

Apart from exercising to get back the normal shape, it is important to control what you put in your body. Diet plays a huge role as well and one should have control over what you eat (I know, I know, cool it on the cravings). If you are breastfeeding, it is essential that the mother consumes food rich in calcium such as milk, cheese and yogurt. It is believed that breastfeeding helps to lose weight but it is also true that breastfeeding makes you hungrier too.

With patience, a proper exercise regime and a proper controlled diet, it will be much to lose the baby weight. Most importantly, stick to your regime and be patient. With a good diet and light exercise, I was able to take the weight off, slowly but surely!

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