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Commonly Overlooked Skincare Tips For Beautiful Skin

When it comes to skincare there are millions of tips. Some that actually work, and many that are simply old wives tails. However, some of the best tips remain overlooked by so many of us, which is why I want to share some of those tips with you today. Are you ready for it?

Skincare Tips: Get Gorgeous

  • Rub Away The Signs of Aging - okay, so you can't actually "rub them away" per-say, but facial massage has been proven to stimulate skin cells to release collagen, which helps to restore elasticity to the skin. If you don't have the time or funds to undergo regular facials at your day spa, I recommend taking some time to stimulate your skin with an at-home massage. This can be very relaxing, and when used in conjunction with many of your skincare products, can be amazing for your skin.
  • Wash Your Hands - going back to my last point, and adding another: it is essential to wash your hands before touching your face. Yes, even if you plan on cleansing your face, wash your hands first. The bacteria, dirt, and oils that build up on our hands are not good for the skin on our face, and are often a common culprit for acne. I use a 20-second rule when washing my hands, and prefer using warm-to-hot water to ensure a good cleansing.
  • Start While Your Ahead - many people think that anti-aging products are for more mature skin. And while this may be true of certain products, I sincerely urge people to hop on the anti-aging train while their skin is still at it's prime. This will help to preserve a more youthful appearance longer, and help slow down the aging process. If you aren't quite sure if a product is for you, ask an esthetician! Each product generally states who a product is for, and often who it isn't for. For instance: certain anti-aging products are designed to deeply moisturize the skin, and may not be suitable for oily skin types.
  • Slather on Sunscreen - I mention sunscreen in just about every blog post I write. Why? Because it is absolutely essential. The reason I am adding it here is because, despite how many times I mention it, or how many magazines enforce it, people still tend to overlook this incredibly valuable step. There are so many options that are not greasy, sticky, or pore-clogging, and there are even options that you can incorporate into daily life, such as Colorescience's Primers & Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brushes. Also, if you are using anti-aging products that help to "brighten" the skin or "lighten" dark spots, sun screen is usually necessary, as those products often include ingredients that increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun.
  • Open Pores Absorb More - pores are something most of us try to keep closed, and shrink. And I think this is a reasonable thing to try and achieve. However, when it comes to applying your favorite moisturizers and serums, open-pores are the way to go. Pores that are open allow for better product absorption, meaning your ingredients will work better than if your pores are closed off. I like to recommend a warm facial cleansing, or holding a warm/hot too hot> washcloth over the facial skin for about a minute.
  • Nourishing Inside & Out - take this skincare tip with a grain of salt. But studies have shown that proper nutrition is a fabulous way to achieve and maintain beautiful skin. I love taking multivitamins, because they definitely boost how I feel inside and out. Always consult with your doctor before beginning any new health regimen, including vitamins. There are also many supplements GliSODin> that are specifically formulated to boost skin's appearance and health.
  • Smile More - smiling has so many benefits. And it has even been proven to enhance your mood, and the moods of those around you. Facial muscles tend to lose strength as we age, and this can lead to saggier skin/tissue in the facial area. Smiling helps to keep your muscles toned, meaning firmer facial tissue for longer.
  • Moisturize Inside & Out - I know it seems obvious to use a moisturizer on your skin, but surprisingly many people don't. OR they aren't moisturizing enough. Be sure to moisturize post-cleansing both AM & PM, and indulge in hydrating yourself more often for skin that is optimal in health. Yes, drinking water has fabulous benefits for your health, and beautiful skin is one of them!
  • Sleep More - If you blow off the concept of "beauty sleep," think again. It has been proven that lack of sleep can cause our skin to show signs of stress. Get your 8 hours whenever possible, and remember to stick to a skincare routine to keep your skin looking and feeling its very best.

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