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Common Moisturizer Mistakes
I know so many people who get flustered in their search for the 'perfect' moisturizer. And while in many cases is does have to do with the product being used, there are also often mistakes that are not being properly considered. Today I want to share some of the most common moisturizer mistakes I have come across in my career. Hopefully these will help you in finding the best moisturizer for your skin!
Not Using a Moisturizer - this is by far the biggest moisturizer mistake you could possibly make. Moisturized skin is happy skin, and will definitely age at a much slower rate. This is because hydrated skin helps to reflect light
Applying it too Fast or too Hard - your facial skin is not as durable as the skin on your body. Be sure to be gentle when applying your moisturizer, and take your time! It is not a race, you will notice a difference if you apply it lightly and slowly. I like to lightly massage it into my skin for a stimulating effect.
Using the Wrong Moisturizer for Your Skin Type - there is no one-size-fits-all moisturizer! It is important to know your skin type and find the best one for you. For instance, if you struggle with oily skin, reaching for a ultra-hydrating cream for mature skin may not be your best bet. Or, if you are sensitive, reaching for a high-potency formula may prove irritating. Always shop for your skin type. Again, if you are unsure of where to start, we are always happy to help!
Skipping Exfoliation - I love exfoliating! Not just because it feels great, but because it makes such a difference in my skincare regimen. It has been proven the exfoliated skin absorbs product better, meaning you get more bang for your buck, and better results! I definitely recommend exfoliating at least 3 times a week. There are gentle daily formulas or weekly/bi-weekly ones. Be sure to follow directions, as over-exfoliation can do more harm than good.
Applying Makeup too Soon After Applying Moisturizer - this is yet another big mistake in the moisturizing world. Not only will it shorten the lifespan
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