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Are skin care companies trying to Kill me with Parabens?
Hi Ladies, thought I would help clear up some confusion, I am getting a lot of questions about Parabens right now. Please read the following question and answer.
"Please answer my question..everytime i browse the net for some articles on skin care i always come across stuff such as " parabens kill and almost every ingredient causes cancer" ..does this make any sense ?? are the firms making such products wanting to kill humans ??? i mean the whole world uses them and is everyone ..."
No one really ever talks about the Pros of using Parabens in skin care products. Why? Fear is a HUGE motivator for ladies in their decision to purchase skin care products. Basically, many companies scare you into purchasing their Parabens free products! Be wary of online blogs, and articles that claim Parabens cause cancer, and then conveniently point you toward a ‘recommended product” near the end of the article.
Parabens are preservatives that are used in cosmetics to protect them against microbial growth. Simply put, cosmetic products that have Parabens will last longer on your bathroom counter. Parabens are not only used in cosmetics, but they are used in hair care, shaving products, and food. “The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) reviewed the safety of methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben in 1984 and concluded they were safe for use in cosmetic products at levels up to 25%. Typically Parabens are used at levels ranging from 0.01 to 0.3%. Parabens are used at very low levels in cosmetics. In a review of the estrogenic activity of Parabens, (Golden et al., in Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2005) the author concluded that based on maximum daily exposure estimates, it was implausible that Parabens could increase the risk associated with exposure to estrogenic chemicals.” The FDA does not feel that there is a reason for consumers to be concerned about Parabens in their cosmetics. There has been no evidence proving that Parabens cause breast tumors. The National Cancer Institute states, “The 2004 Darbre Study did not prove that Parabens cause breast tumors. The authors of this study did not analyze healthy breast tissue or tissues from other areas of the body and did not demonstrate that Parabens are found only in cancerous tissue.” Overall, you should not worry too much about the use of Parabens. If Parabens become a big problem, the FDA will announce it to the public. However, If you feel more comfortable using all natural lines that do not contain Parabens, try one of our lines such as Ilike or Youngblood. Please let us know if you have any further questions. I hope this helps!
Cons: Some studies have shown Parabens can mimic estrogen, which has caused some concerns that parabens can contribute to cancer and breast cancer. If someone can find something conclusive, will you let me know? I would love to repost. So here are some alternatives for Parabens… Vitamin C is an excellent all natural preservative ingredient that a lot of companies use to replace Parabens that are good for your skin. Vitamin C is also an excellent moisturizer. So what is the safest bet? The safest bet is to always use completely organic skin care products. But then you face a new enemy. Completely organic products tend to not perform as well as products with pharmaceutical grade ingredients. The important things is to figure out which ingredients are the best fit for your personal lifestyle. If you need help with this, call us, we can help!
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