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Antioxidants For Healthy Skin
We all know the word antioxidants and maybe a bit about what they are. Mostly I find that people seem to know they are good for you, and not specifics. Do you know the true benefits of antioxidants? If you belong in the group of people that do not, here are a list of just some wonderful things that they can do for us. Antioxidants are actually molecules required by our body and are important for our oxidation, which means our overall health. These lovely things can help to prevent damage of the tissues of our body and also repair any current damaged tissue. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are beneficial for the body and can also help to make our skin remain healthy. The effect of free radicals causes poor oxidation, which can result in cell dysfunction. Basically, cell dysfunction is not good for you! Take in all the antioxidants you can to prevent it. Think about it this way: an oxidation process can be described as seen when a cut apple turns brown. Our skin is that apple!
It is essential to refill the antioxidants after they are used up to block the effects of the free radicals. The effects of free radicals can lead to damage and cause conditions that include cancer, heart problems, and more. We definitely need to consume foods rich in antioxidants to help keep the body healthy. Look for foods that contain beta carotene, selenium, lutein, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E like various fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, fish and some meat. Also, cheat a little on your diet and have some dark chocolate, it is one of the richest anti-oxidant foods! These foods should be included in your diet to help keep you healthy and vibrant! Also try Image Skincare’s Hydrating ACE Serum to get all the vitamins your skin may be lacking (vitamin A, C, and E).
Antioxidants have a positive effect on your skin and aid in protecting the skin. They guard the skin from sun damage and cell damage. For skin care from deep within, antioxidants protect the cells from damage unlike typical sunscreens. Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E are beneficial for the skin and promote growth of cells and tissues. This aids the body to repair itself when the skin is continuously shedding and growing cells. Antioxidants slow down the aging process and help to reduce the wrinkles and fine lines by promoting the growth and regrowth of cells. For obtaining the benefits, one of the rules to stick by include bright colored foods which are usually rich in antioxidants. Include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, plums, walnuts, artichokes, pecans, etc in your diet.
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