Following market introduction in April 2012, public reaction to AnteAGE has been highly positive. Many early adopters are sophisticated consumers of skincare products and regular participants and contributors to long established blogsites that critique skincare products. Many of the comments are from; others are from customer emails to Cellese customer service.
“I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Cellese. I am a 62 year old grandmother who was born and raised in Southern California, enjoying the sun and always having a good tan. I am now spending my time trying to undo all the skin damage. I have researched and tried everything hoping to rejuvenate my skin so that I would regain a younger and healthier appearance. When I heard about Cellese I was eager to add another experiment to my list. I enjoyed early results and seven months later I am still using it and LOVE IT!! After using Cellese for only a couple of months a friend asked if I had just had a peel….that made my day! Others have commented that I look more rested and younger and have asked what I was doing different. My husband who sees me daily continues to comment on how much better my skin is looking. I am so fortunate to finally have discovered a skin product that works. I AM HOOKED! My special thanks to everyone involved with the Cellese Team.” Nancy C, 62 Newport Beach, CA
“I have been using AnteAge since the clinical study began in Sept 2011. I have never used any product with such rapid and long-lasting results and I have tried most of the products on the market, always searching for that “fountain of youth”. My skin is continually improving in texture, feel and looks. This product is constantly renewing my skin cells – and I think I look better than ever – and it isn’t just me saying this – strangers, friends and family have been complementing me on my skin ever since using this product. I’ve been hiding my age from others for many years, but now I am tempted when complimented on my skin to fire back my age. I think I look years younger, and I’m proud of it. I have also never used a product that feels this good on my skin! My skin drinks it up and thanks me for it by becoming smoother, toned, blotches disappear, and it glows – showing a healthy appearance all the time (with or without makeup). In fact, my skin looks so healthy I don’t need to wear makeup to cover up defects because they are gone! I love it.” Karin P, 61, Huntington Beach, CA
“I have had rosacea for more than 30 years, with flare-ups in response to all the usual triggers – sun, heat, cold, stress, alcohol, etc. The stinging and tenderness were very annoying. For years I used topical Metrogel and oral doxycycline, two prescription antibiotics that seemed to help. Even so, I often had to resort to using my wife’s makeup to hide the angry red patches. When I started using AnteAGE summer 2011, I stopped my prescription medications. My skin started improving within a few days and has looked calm and even-toned since. Dryness, scaling, and blotchiness also disappeared as did some age spots and freckles on my forehead. The only time my rosacea started to return was after running out of the AnteAGE serum for five or six days. When I restarted using the serum (I applied it in the afternoon and evening that day), the next morning the redness had reduced almost entirely. I, along with two other rosacea patients in the AnteAGE clinical trial, experienced remarkable improvement in our rosacea symptoms. My skin has not looked this good in many, many years. AnteAGE is a very effective product and I won’t go without it. George T, 66, Newport Beach, CA (Disclosure: George T is a principal in Cellese.)