REN Clean Skincare Rosa Centifolia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser 100ml

REN Clean Skincare Rosa Centifolia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser 100ml

Item#: ren_clean_skincare_rosa_centifolia_gentle_exfoliating_cleanser

REN Clean Skincare Rosa Centifolia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser is a non abrasive 2 in 1.

Product Description

Product Description

It works in two phases: firstly it cleanses the skin with exfoliating beads made from Jojoba Wax. The wax microbeads will gently lift and exfoliate dead skin cells and other pollutants. Secondly, the wax melts to indicate that the exfoliation phase is finished. The melted Jojoba Wax then deeply hydrates to firm and plump up the skin.