GliSODin Body Contouring Kit

GliSODin Body Contouring Kit

Item#: glisodinbodycontouringkit

1 Detox, 3 Slimming, 1 Shaker

Product Description

 Product Description

 Although body contouring technologies are clinically proven to target and destroy unwanted fat cells, there is a way to maximize your patients’ results, and affect a total body solution for long term maintenance. 

Body contouring technologies combined 

with GliSODin Skin Nutrients’ Advanced 

Detoxification and Advanced Slimming 

Formulas will help you:

• Expand your list of eligible 


• Offer a solution for long-term maintenance

• Improve client satisfaction


 Works with all body contouring 

technologies including:

Cold laser • Laser Energy • Ultrasound Energy 

Radio Frequency • Mechanical Massage/Vaccum


How Does It Work?

The Detoxification Formula naturally prepares the body for enhanced triglyceride clearance that is required after a body contouring treatment. The Detox formula induces the body’s natural detoxification enzymes while systematically cleansing the liver and colon for improved elimination of fat and cell debris.

The Slimming Formula contains natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to increase fat metabolism to quickly absorb the available triglycerides that are in the system after the body contouring treatment therefore accelerating weight loss and maximizing 

GliSODin Skin Nutrients 

The Advanced Detoxification Formula

The Detoxification formula contains ingredients that were specifically selected to cleanse your system, while also assisting in weight loss without using laxatives or heavy diuretics.


• Induces phase II detoxification enzymes 

• Helps flush out unnecessary and harmful toxins in your system

• Supports the liver throughout the detoxification process

• Increases your body’s natural antioxidant system

• Ideal product to naturally prepare your body for weight loss

The Advanced Slimming Formula

The Slimming Formula provides a safe and effective way to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.


• Increases fat metabolism to improve body composition

• Inhibits fat and carbohydrate absorption

• Controls appetite 

• Acts as a digestion aid, minimizing bloating while promoting optimal nutrient absorption 

• Reduces oxidative stress to fight the precursors that cause weight gain and metabolic syndrome

Perfect Protocol

15 days prior to the first body contouring treatment begin the Advanced Detoxification Formula. Take 2 doses per day for 15 days. Once completed immediately begin the Advanced Slimming Formula during your body contouring treatments and continue for a minimum of 3 months. 

It is important to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle and eat whole, nutrient dense foods. Please see Healthy Food Plan provided.