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Winter Tips For Curls!
Are you having trouble with your curls this winter season? By using a proper straightener, we can easily help your curly q’s!. The cold wind and dry air can easily affect your hair. People want to prevent any damage they can during these cooler dry months. Here, are some tips:
* Be sure to wash and dry hair your hair before using any straightener, as it can reduce the amount of damage caused to your hair. This will ensure you have those shiny smooth curls you desired.
* Winter hair flourishes on moisture. This season can be a great time for curlies, as frizz occurs when humidity plummets with the temperature. To help fight the dryness, try using a deep-conditioning treatment at least once a week. This thicker conditioner will provide extra moisture and hydration. I LOVE our new line Lollia. They have a great Julep Bee Balm Conditioner.
* Honey is splendid when used in conjunction with conditioner. Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and attaches to water molecules. Try using a little honey on your ends as at-home treatment for damaged hair!
* Try using a wide-tooth comb in the shower to help untangle your hair
*Wearing a hat will surely help during these winter months. Anytime it is cold, just bring a hat to ensure your curls won’t dry out. Plus, you will look fashionable!
* Avocado and olive oil are both helpful ingredients to use when trying to tame down those luscious curls!
*Get a trim! Make sure you are getting a trim every month to cut off those dead ends. This will help your hair to look healthier and actually make it grow faster!
You hair should look healthier this season with these helpful tips!
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