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What's the best product to use for dark spots, scars, and pigmentation problems left by pimples or acne on your face?
I usually recommend using products that have natural ingredients to lighten scars, pigmentation, dark spots, and scars caused by acne. Many products use unnatural ingredients that can cause long term damage to your skin so BE CAREFUL! Also, keep in mind, it is usually best not to use these products before you are in the sun for too long, otherwise we risk over lightening affected areas! I have selected the products in this article from years of trial and success on my clients, and even myself. To read a bit more about me click here or on my picture. Also, you can read THOUSANDS of positive reviews from my customers by clicking my testimonials page, so you know I am not just trying to sell you products. I can help you!
First consider Image Skincare Total Skin Lightening serum. This product is $28, you use two times a day once in the morning and once at night and apply to clean dry skin. You HAVE to call to order it, because Image does not allow purchase over a shopping cart. Image’s skin lightener is an oil free serum that contains a natural blend of Bearberry, Kojic and Licorice to lighten freckles, melasma and age spots. I have seen great results with my clients. They also have a stronger version (if you need more power) called the Total Skin Bleaching Serum for about the same price. It works with all skin types. Click here to view this product.
Next, consider Rhonda Allison’s line of skin brightening products, starting at $12 for smaller sizes. For example, Rhonda Allison’s Skin Brightening Cleanser, Brightening Pigment Lotion, and Naturale Mega Brightening Serum can all be used together to help with pigmentation. She even makes a kit that “makes it easy” called the skin brightening kit, click here to view it.
R.A. Brightening Cleanser, Only $12
Lastly, let’s have a look at the Epicuren Discovery Skin Lightener, all natural starting at $24. You must call to order Epicuren as well. It is designed protect your skin against free radical damage, and to prevent pigmentation problems, correct freckles, lighten skin and liver spots, treat sunburn marks, regulate melanogenisis, and to promote anti-aging. It works well, and additionally the Skin lightener is very safe and contains no Hydroquinone. Click here to view this product.
While we are at it, here are some basic tips that can help with your acne and of course future scars! Don’t touch your face with your hands except when cleansing and applying product. Remember to wash your hands before you wash your face. When you wash your face, wash it with a good cleanser 2 times at night and 1 time in the morning with warm water. Use a good scrub or exfoliant 2-3 times a week at night after cleansing to keep your pores clean. Also, you gotta check out the clarisonic cleansing brush product, it is the cleanest my face has ever felt, I use it every night. Lastly, a appropriate antibacterial and non-clogging moisturizer will balance out the oil production. Masques and spot treatments can be very beneficial as well.
For example products with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid have proven to provide long term success with acne, and with evening skin tone, and even wrinkles! MAKE SURE you are using products with high quality ingredients. Generally these skincare products can not be found at drugstores or department stores. Reason being is that there are a lot of preservatives in these products to ensure a long shelf life. Be wary of products on TV that are endorsed by movie stars, they contain sulfur, which is great for temporarily preventing acne, but overly addictive to human skin. I make sure the skin care products I sell use natural ingredients to preserve the products.
I have another article that might help you even more titled: The Best Affordable anti aging products, click here to read it. Hope this helps, click here to call or email me with questions!
From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special video and products set aside to treat brown spots, click here to see it.
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