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Seasonal Skin Care For Spring
As the seasons shift and the weather turns, so do your skin care needs, which is why I am excited to discuss my favorite spring skincare tips with you today! From habit changes to new product picks, and more, it is important to keep up with your skincare needs as the weather changes around you. So, are you ready to get spring gorgeous skin?
My Favorite Tips
Swap Your Cleanser – I always advocate milk cleanser or creamy cleanser in the colder winter months, but as the weather warms up it is best to reach for lighter cleanser options. I am especially fond of gel cleansers, and have recently begun loving powdered cleansers for getting a deep cleanse! I am especially fond of: Rhonda Allison’s Citrus Gel Cleanser and Epicuren Herbal Cleanser for achieving fresh, cleansed, Spring skin.
Exfoliate Often – Okay, so I recommend exfoliating often year round, but it is especially important to up your exfoliating game in the warmer months in an effort to remove oil and dead skin that occurs more frequently due to sweat. It is also very likely that you will be spending more time outside, soaking up the fabulous weather and practicing
- Pro Tip: Choose your exfoliants mindfully! Use a physical exfoliant like Bioelement's Measure Micrograins, as opposed to chemical exfoliants using ingredients like Retinol Glycolic Acid, or Alpha-Hydroxy Acid which can cause your skin to be more sensitive to the sun. If you must use these ingredients, be sure to reapply your sunscreen every 2-hours spent in indirect sunlight, and every 1-hour spent in direct sunlight.
Choose Lighter Moisturizers – heavy moisturizers are fantastic for the dry winter months, but not so great once the temperatures start to heat up. Opt for lighter options – think oil free gels or lotions. Since your skin tends to sweat more in the spring and summer months, it is only necessary to keep the surface layers of your skin hydrated. If you have a lot of your winter moisturizer left over and do not wish to waste it
Go Easy on the Foundation – If you want to prevent clogged pores while boosting your confidence, try taking a break from foundations during the spring and summer months. Instead, reach for tinted moisturizers
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