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Memorial Day Summer Survival

Ladies, Memorial Day is my official summer kickoff! The number one one thing I know I am going to do to welcome the warmer days ahead by kicking it off with some fun Memorial Day festivities. There are so many different ways that people like to show their American pride - a delicious BBQ, a weekend getaway, a nice cool pool, or even a walk on the beach! I am sure many of you will be spending numerous hours bronzing in the sun, splashing in the water, and having an extra fun packed weekend. Wherever you decide to go this weekend, make sure you do it with care! All weekend long, you must use sunscreen! This week, I have listed my top twenty sunscreens for 2011 and highly recommend for you during these warmer months. It is so important to make sure you are protecting your face (and the rest of your body) with a good sunscreen. With this weather, it is also smart to go easy on your makeup because foundation tends to melt and that is never a good look. Do you notice that the warmer it is, the more cakey and runny your make up looks? Well it all starts with making sure that you apply your sunscreen the right way without causing more shine. Lets go over a couple tips that I use when applying my sunscreen:make sure you use extra SPF on these hotter summer months!

*Use a cotton pad to swipe the shiniest area of your face, the t-zone.

*Apply about a quarter size amount of SPF to your face and neck. Only use about one layer on your face to prevent more shine

* Let your sunscreen settle in your skin for about five minutes then use a mattifying powder or blotting to soak up and extra oil

* Lastly, try and us e a tinted sunscreen to keep your matte for hours while providing you protection.

Always remember to reapply sunscreen every two to three hours. Take my advice and keep it on top of your cell phone to pleasantly remind you to reply. Try using your sunscreen an hour before you take a plunge into the glorious waves, or are outside for an adventure. It is important to know that water-resistant and even waterproof sunscreens only last about 40 minutes before they need to be reapplied. Always reapply as needed! I know so many people that put on sunscreen one or two times all day and end up damaging their skin. I used to think that if I was in the water I would not burn, but it only took one miserable burn to wise up. Lastly, make sure to sunscreen up your kiddos. My son Malachi looks adorable as a white ghost until his sunscreen soaks in. Yes, causing our children to have a white sunscreen residue is actually a good thing (the more the merrier). I hope everyone has a wonderful and sun-filled Memorial Day, the safe way! I will be with my family, listening to some Kid Rock and drinking a delicious strawberry lemonade!

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