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Lighten Up Your Makeup Bag
Summer is almost here! Warm weather calls for lighter clothing and lighter make up bag. During these warmer months, it is important to make sure you are using makeup does not clog your pores. In general, think “heavy makeup = not good.” Heavy makeup will negatively affect the skin during warm and humid weather and can cause breakouts. It is best to lighten up the makeup and be ready for the season. Here are some tips I use to help lighten my makeup bag up:
- Wear Lip Gloss instead of lipstick: Choose a simple lip gloss over those heavy lipsticks. The gloss will make your lips look natural and pretty, drawing attention to your lips. At the same time the gloss will keep your lips looking light and simple.
- Wear tinted moisturizer instead of foundation: A light tinted moisturizer will offer your face the coverage it needs while also offering sun protection. Heavy foundations during the warm months can make your face sweat and cause discomfort. Lucrece’s tinted moisturizer is amazing and blends in my skin perfectly!
- Try a bronzing liquid instead of cheek stains: Bronzing liquid can be used to accentuate the contours on the face and makes your cheeks look natural. Use a small amount on the tips of your fingers and blend well. Cheek stains will not give a natural look during summer; these should be worn in the winter months.
- Wear mineral makeup instead of pressed powder: Try the mineral makeup with vitamins, which keep the skin healthy and provides for the coverage needed. Blend it with the rest of the makeup with a large brush. Warning: you may not go back!
- Wear pastels and bright colors instead of dark shadows: Use pastel colors and lighter colors for your eye makeup. Try the smoky look with silvers and whites. Ditch the dark colors and try brighter shades.
I love these tips because my skin looks better, and my bag is easier to carry around! Ladies, try all of these and you won’t have any regrets!
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