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Independence Day Beauty

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Independence day is a reminder of how great it is to be a free nation. I love our country, and am so happy for an excuse to focus on how great it is. Plus, almost all my favorite things are included: friends, families, the beach, picnics, BBQs, fireworks, parades, and so much more. Mainly, I love an entire whole day in the sun! I can already smell the delicious scent of chicken and burgers grilling on the BBQ, and the warm sand on my toes. Nothing beats the beach with my friends and families on a perfect summer day with the fresh ocean air. It is also my Max's (our 14 yr. old) birthday, so we will be celebrating him as well! As always, we have to be careful when being out in the sun for long activities, so here are some helpful tips to protect yourself from harm.

Shield The Sun- First of all; we must make sure to take care of our skin. The more sun we get, the more chance we have of getting wrinkles. This is not only for your appearance, but your health in general! Reapply sunscreen at least every 45 minutes to an hour or every three hours if you are in the shade. Also keep your luscious lips moisturized by using a lip balm with SPF such as Coola Liplux SPF30 in Peppermint. This lip balm is a truly tasty treatment and I always have it handy on sunny days.

The Glass Should Be Full- Drink water, water, and more water! The best thing to do for your body and skin is to hydrate! Think you’ve had enough? Have one more just in case! Also, be sure to have one glass of water with every alcoholic beverage that you drink. According to my paramedic brother-in-law, the fourth of July is one of the highest days of the year for dehydration check-ins at the hospital!

Keep The Bugs At Bay- I HATE BUGS! They are gross and they love to bite me, no matter how much I try to avoid it. Bug spray tends to be m y best friend on this holiday. Make sure to spray yourself and loved ones with a repellent. Malachi and I will definitely be mosquito free! When I was in Hawaii, where I got attacked every day by bugs, the locals taught me a little tip. Use lavender and tea tree oil to naturally help any itching. I also used this on Malachi when he had hives and it completely helped!

Let Yourself Shine- Show off your Independence Day spirit by creating a holiday-inspired look! I always rock red, white, and blue toes with fun glittery eye shadow. Be different and bold this holiday, while looking super cute and festive!

Avoid The Green- If you are like me, I will definitely be swimming at the beach and in the pool on Monday. However, I tend to leave the pool with what appears to be a bad salon experience—green hair! Try taking a shower or wetting your hair before you go swimming! This will help to prevent your hair from absorbing the chlorine, which dries out your hair, makes it brittle, and gives it that terrible green color.

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday! You can find me sporting a big white hat, large sunglasses, tons of Epicuren sunscreen, and a plate full of food. Let's remember the reason for this holiday, and be thankful to be living here. Also, I would love to see how you celebrate this day, so add me on Facebook so I can see your pictures!

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