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Forever Young with Image Skincare
How we age depends on a mixture of genetics and how well we treat our skin. Here are the five major areas that give the impression of old age and some ways to fight back!
Image Skincare for Healthy Smile
People tend to think of skin first when worrying about aging. Studies have found that your teeth and smile are the greatest indicator of age! One way to do this is by taking extremely good care of our teeth. Clean, healthy teeth improve one’s smile. Brush them regularly, visit the dentist, SMILE, and avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking which only discolor the teeth.
Sun Damage
What does looking old have to do with age? The truth is absolutely nothing. Looking old has more to with the damage elements, like that of sun damage, that creates the look of more years. Protecting the skin form the sun kills two birds with one stone; avoid skin cancer and look fabulous. Use lots of sunscreen every day and reduce the amount of time you spend in the sun. Pay special attention to your hands. They say a lot about one’s age. There are a ton of moisturizing hand cremes out there, but Image Skincare Ageless Total Rejuvenating Hand Creme has the added bonus of SPF 15 already inside!
Grey Hair
It comes as no surprise that people associate greying hair with age. Scientists were formally unable to say why people get grey hair as they age, but thankfully there are finally some answers from the researchers. One of the reasons for greying is that the body naturally produces Hydrogen Peroxide. As hair builds up, levels of this chemical also increase and with time it bleaches away normal hair color, leaving it grey. This happens because with age, the enzyme catalase that is responsible for breaking down Hydrogen peroxide is produced less, causing more deposits of the greying chemical. A cure would mean finding a way to increase enzyme activity to breakdown Hydrogen peroxide and increase melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Let's all cross our fingers and hope they come up with something! In the meantime, hair dye will do the trick;)
Bruising is another factor generally associated with age. This intensifies as one gets old because of the damage inflicted on the skin by the ultra violet rays of the sun. Such bruises need specialized skin care. Diseases such as diabetes and certain medication can also lead to bruising.
Age Spots
Products designed to target what are called liver spots or age spots, are in high demand. These spots can be treated in a number of ways including fade creams, laser treatments and even freezing treatments. I always recommend starting with the least invasive form of treatment first and building from there. Image SkinCare Ageless Total Skin Lightening Serum fights spots with a natural blend of Bearberry, Kojic and Licorice. For more products that lighten brown spots, click here.
We all want to look young and beautiful! Taking care of your health and skin is the best place to start!
From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special page set aside for aniti aging. Click Here to see it!
Hope this helps, click here to call or email me with questions!
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