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Eat Your Way to Beautiful Skin
"Sometimes it takes more than an excellent skin care regimen!”
If you are like me, you might not have grown up on healthy eating. Both of my parents are baby boomers, and they made changes from what their parents taught them about eating, like removing lard and Crisco! But even with those changes, I grew up on meat and potatoes for about half of my dinners. My dad’s ‘dietary downfall’ was always diet coke. I would always encourage him to substitute water for coke, as I was concerned he wasn’t hydrating enough, while filling his body with chemicals. His smart aleck response was “what do you think the major ingredient is? Water!” He would always laugh, because he knew I was right. He recently cut back on his diet coke consumption, but this was only after he found out he had prostate cancer. My mom on the other hand, well she is a cosmopolitan cocktail drinker and loves her some chocolate cake. She is what we like to call a “food pusher” ;) You know the type! Over the years, through self-education and nutritionists, I have learned a lot about health and nutrition and hope to pass on a better lifestyle of health to my children! Of course, I always want to share my health findings with you.
Nowadays, eating healthy is all the rage! It’s been a trending topic that ‘what you eat affects your skin’, but what exactly does that mean? I strongly believe what you eat affects your mind, body, and your skin. I focus my diet around nutritious, tasty foods that are good for me. However, eating healthy does not mean depriving yourself or cutting out all bad foods at once; it’s a process where you incorporate foods into your diet that help you feel better. A common misconception is the word ‘diet’, which often equates to depriving yourself, eating small portions, and feeling unsatisfied. I take a different approach on the word, in that your diet encompasses all the food you eat, not just the foods you select or avoid.
Foods to avoid:
- Sugary foods – Many foods, such as berries and other fruits, contain natural sugar, and that’s plenty of sugar for your diet. Processed foods that contain large amounts of sugar can cause breakouts and wrinkles.
- Table Salt - Much like sugar, salt is naturally occurring in many of the foods we eat. Adding extra can dry out the skin and cause you to retain water, making you feel bloated. If salt is necessary for flavoring I recommend using sea salt, which is high in essential minerals.
Helping your Skin: If you have an excellent skin care regimen but are still not seeing the results you want to achieve, you may be lacking essential vitamins and minerals in your diet that give your skin a boost. Some common signs to look for include:
Dryness, acne, eczema, and redness
A deficiency in vitamin D > Dull Skin
- To get more vitamin D, add foods like Salmon, whole-grain cereals, and eggs to your diet. These foods are also great sources of protein, which is good for your skin as well! If you have trouble incorporating these foods into your diet
it is important to find a vitamin or supplement formula that works well for you!
- To get more vitamin D, add foods like Salmon, whole-grain cereals, and eggs to your diet. These foods are also great sources of protein, which is good for your skin as well! If you have trouble incorporating these foods into your diet
A deficiency in vitamin C > Sun Damaged Skin
- To get more vitamin C, simply add more citrus fruits, broccoli, kale, kiwis, bell peppers, and strawberries to you diet. These foods are all very versatile, easy-to-find, and easy to put together! Try a kale salad with bell peppers for a quick and delicious, vitamin-C rich treat.
A deficiency in vitamin D > Dull Skin
Helping your Hair: Many people come to me with hair concerns, and a majority of those people take excellent care of their hair. From going to the salon regularly, limiting the amount of heated hair-care tools, applying deep-conditioning treatments, using daily oils, or more, they still find that their hair is dry and lacking in the “smooth and shiny” department. If this is you, it is possible that you are not getting enough Vitamin A & B.
Common Hair Concerns: Lack of Smooth & Shiny Hair, Dryness
A deficiency in vitamins A & B à Split-ends, brittle & dull hair follicles, dry scalp, and dandruff
- Vitamins A & B help stimulate oil production, increase blood flow, and provide flexibility to strands to counteract breakage, making your hair stronger.
- Adding salmon, spinach, berries, walnuts, almonds, and yogurt to your diet is a great way to get hair-restoring benefits. They all contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and nutrients that are essential for beautiful hair.
Using skin care products that contain these ingredients will help give your skin a boost and protect it from free radicals, pollution, and sun damage.
One of my favorite anti-aging and anti-wrinkle diet tricks is drinking cucumber-infused water daily. I prep it at night, filling a pitch of water with sliced cucumber to infuse over night. It’s so refreshing and makes you feel like you’re spending a day at the spa, even if you’re at work! You can also add berries, which are full of antioxidants, or lemon, which contains vitamin C
Moderation: The key to almost everything you eat or do is moderation! So when I splurge
Fun and easy ways to eat healthy:
- Want a healthy pancake recipe that your entire family is sure to love? Simply mix banana, eggs, and peanut butter together for a protein & potassium-rich snack that tastes delicious. Click here for recipe. This 3-ingredient recipe is also wonderful for anybody trying to avoid gluten!
- Smoothies tasting bland without sugar? I am a huge fan of subbing sugar for dates. Not only does this add a delicious sweetness to your beverage, but it also adds fiber which will help you feel fuller, longer.
- Swap out syrup with fruits. As mentioned above, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. Top your health peanut-butter banana pancakes with strawberries for a much healthier breakfast option.
- Swap mayonnaise with avocado. I am a huge avocado fan, and have found that it can be a delicious addition to both salty and sweet dishes. Subbing mayonnaise for avocado is a healthy, delicious way to replace bad fats with good ones, which happen to be wonderful for your hair and skin.
- Avoid processed foods when possible. It is so difficult to avoid processed foods in this day-in-age. After all, it is readily available, quick, and easy. However, taking certain items and being sure to make them yourself can turn into a fun and healthy family tradition. Make weekly deserts with your kids, such as healthy oatmeal cookies! Another great tip for avoiding processed foods is making staple foods in the beginning of the week. There are so many freezer recipes out there!
- Discover Pinterest! If you haven’t already fallen in love with Pinterest, it is never too late. This website is a goldmine of healthy recipes, cute outfits, and so much more! You can plan meals for the entire week, or search of healthy alternatives to your favorite guilty pleasures.
- Eat the Rainbow. I cannot even tell you how many times I have rolled my eyes at this in the past, but eating the rainbow is a great way to get a plethora of nutrients, and it actually makes meals more fun and appetizing. A well-dressed plate definitely makes me hungrier than a bland-looking one.
So, how do you incorporate essential vitamins and minerals into your diet?
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