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10 Ways you can Prevent Breast Cancer Which are Good Tips for Your Skin Too!
Hi Ladies, Alana here, doing a special blog article this month in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Many of the natural and organic and even mineral makeup companies I sell such as Eminence, Hydropeptide, IsClinical, GloMinerals, La Bella Donna and Youngblood are selling special products this month to help support a cure, so feel free to buy them if you are in the spirit. “Prevention is better than cure.”
Just so you know you are not reading advice from some random person, read a bit more about me and my experience, click here or on my picture. Also, you can read THOUSANDS of positive reviews from my customers by clicking my testimonials page, I can help you!
As we all know breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and a huge killer. Some background facts for you: It claims thousands of lives each year, both men AND women. In the UK alone, a record of 48,000 women and 277 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Breast Cancer is not something that we can totally be safe from based on the human body’s genetic side, but there are ways to prevent it and
Many breast cancer patients have beaten this horrible disease, allowing them to carry on and live their lives, thanks to modern cancer treatments and futuristic technologies that help detect and treat breast cancer. A woman has a huge responsibility in looking after her body, not only for herself but also for her family and friends.
Here are some preventive SIMPLE tips and how tos for reducing the risk of having breast cancer but it’s a matter of DOING it will make the difference. They will also help you improve your skin and beauty health:
1. Say “Goodbye!” to alcohol, maybe just a glass of red wine please?
2. STOP smoking. This is a no brainer for a lot of reasons.
3. Become a gym bunny for a regular dose of exercise
4. Check your family’s breast cancer history, DO IT!
5. Consider opting out of hormone replacement therapy if possible, do more research and make sure you are comfortable with it....
6. Examine your breasts every month, or have your man do it :)
7. Diet, check out a good book about good natural foods for cancer prevention
8. Book for a mammogram now, Get squished baby!
9. Consider having children early in life, studies show it helps
10. Breastfeeding is still highly recommended than formula milk, ouch!
We only live once. Life is a gift that should not be wasted. Live, love and enjoy. Hope this was a useful summary for you.
From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special page set aside for products that benefit breast cancer, click here to see it.
Hope this helps, click here to call or email me with questions!
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